Thursday, 15 July 2010
Gonja Sufi's a Gaslamp Killer..
Ask yourself, when was the last time music made you actually feel anything?, no, but seriously felt something.. its been sometime for me.
After spending alot of listening time with the Brainfeeder collective, Flying Lotus, Dorian Concept, Kode Nine, Ras G and the one and only Gaslamp Killer (my personal favorite)amongst many.. i can honestly say ive never been hit with so many different combination attacks, Ryu would be proud.
It was while on one these aural cosmic collisions that i came across a strange new star, a bright confusing progressive retrospect.
Capsule review:
Old Dirty Bastard an J Dilla meet Jim Morrison on Beefhearts ranch in the desert.
After an Ayahuasca retreat
Available on vinyl..
Gonja Sufi and the Muthafucking Gaslamp killer have come together to create the ultimate trip. The voice of a thousand birds an the carnage that is Gaslamps style has created the finest example of current innovative music, bringing the song of the desert through the flutes of the middle east accompanied by urban apocalypse rinsed out terra stomping bass an drum.
Gonja Sufi makes his debut with the album " A sufi and the killer " released on Warp Records,accompanied by Gaslamp Killer the two are currently hitting up Europe on tour so check it out:
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Dennis Kucinich for President..
Now when the hype behind Obama was like a Tsunami of Global hysteria re: the fact we had a black man in the White House and the " CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGE " speech, i held my breath.. i refused to vote for him or anyone else. Because i could see the cracks.
Yes i received alot of abuse because everyone thought i was paranoid blah blah blah.. well i was right and Obama is actually a cybernetic being produced by the puppet masters of the Illuminati..
ok maybe that hasn't been proved so I'll continue to hold my breath, but, with some digging i've come across a man that should have made it into the White House..
Dennis Kucinich
See for yourself:
Friday, 9 July 2010
Been loving the new style of The boy has been hitting up Otaku lately with the 40HK team to great effect the errie use of Disney icons subverted through the eye of the Fetid. Really impressive use of color an shape, check it out:
Boom Town Rats
Boom Town Rats
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
The Penial Gland..
Genesis 32:30
"And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face."
The true function of this mysterious gland, has long been contemplated by philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland, to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it, the Seat of the Soul. This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body.It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst,hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.
When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.
When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication, with the higher planes. The crown chakra, reaches down, until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. With Practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it, to separate from the physical.
To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary body, must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and / or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established, between personality, operating through the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland, a magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces, interact and become strong enough, to create the 'light in the head.
With this 'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves, from the body, carrying the light with them. Astral Travel, and other occult abilities, are closely associated with the development of the 'light in the head'. After physical relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland, is achieved, by staring at a point in the middle of the forehead. Without straining the muscles of the eye, this will activate the pineal gland and the 'third eye'.
Whats the best way to keep a good slave in his place, well to make him think he is free right?.. so how does one do that in this day an age of technology and supposed information.
Well to calcify the pineal gland through fluoride. If we no longer have access to our key to the universe and trans-dimensional thought and travel, then we pose no threat to the New World Order.
More to come
The heartbeat of the Sun..
Analysis of the Sound of the Sun Water Crystal
An Exert from David Sereda
In February of 2008, I decided to cooperatively test a hypothesis with Saida Medvedeva, Producer of the film “Water – The Great Mystery”; exposing water molecules and the human body and its nervous system to the Sound of the Sun recordings by NASA.
The first test was to expose the Sound of the Sun to the human body while the subject was wired to a GDV human aura camera that sees the amount of energy radiating from all 7 of our energy systems (chakras).
After a person heard the sound of the sun for one minute, researchers could see that the amount of energy radiating from the 4th energy center (human heart center), had increased dramatically while the other 6 centers subsided. The sound of the sun was activating the heart field.
The implications of this discovery for healing the heart center and possibly heart dis-ease needed to be studied further. What Dr. Len Horrowitz found was that all of the harmonic frequencies known within many of the sound vibration healing techniques were also identified to be inside the harmonic frequencies of the Sound of the Sun.
The next experiment was to emulate Dr. Masaro Emoto’s ground breaking work and find the effects of the Sound of the Sun on water molecules that were flash frozen in a natural state, a polluted state, and then exposing those same waters to human intention (positive and negative) and music of various sorts. These pictures of Dr. Emoto's work is from the Hay House Published book, Messages From Water. Notice the difference between water exposed to negative thought, music and/or words and that of those exposed to positive thought, music and/or words.
The Experiment
In February of 2008, tests were conducted in Russia based on my hypothesis. Ordinary water was exposed to the NASA sound of the sun and cryogenically flash frozen then photographed and examined under a dark field microscope.
The results were beyond my wildest expectations. The researchers had never seen such an amazing result and such perfect symmetry and beauty. The crystal of the frozen Sound of the Sun was speaking in a language that was consistent with our understanding of numerology and deep philosophy. The crystal was a perfect geometrical pattern.
To find out more about Dr Masaro Emoto's work with sound vibration, water and you, check out his site:
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Contains flouride for healthy teeth?..

Here's an article i found in the Independent:
Is fluoride safe?
It's been linked to cot death, eczema and cancer - but now the Government wants to put it in our tap water. This mass medication can't be right, says Zac Goldsmith
When is it right for a government to mass-medicate the public? It's hard to imagine a scenario. If we faced the spread of a new and lethal plague, most people would probably accept draconian intervention. But it would have to be serious.
Today, however, we're told by the Government's Alan Johnson that he intends to pursue a policy of mass medication of the British public. Not to prevent smallpox or the bubonic plague, but to tackle tooth decay. Well, tooth decay is bad news, but it's hardly the stuff of nightmares. However, fluoride, the medicine he's chosen, may well be.
We don't know if fluoride works. In the United States, where 65 per cent of people are routinely subjected to the chemical, the worst tooth decay occurs in poor neighbourhoods of the largest cities, the vast majority of which have been fluoridated for decades. When fluoridation was halted in parts of Finland, East Germany, Cuba and Canada, tooth decay actually decreased.
One of the reasons for this is that fluoride is believed to work best when applied directly, for example to the tooth. Drinking fluoride to prevent cavities is like swallowing bandages to cure a broken arm. Another reason is that a policy of mass medication through the water supply assumes that we are all the same age, size and weight, and therefore require the same dose.
What we do know is that fluoride is toxic – so toxic, in fact, that in 1984, the makers of Colgate, Procter & Gamble, reportedly admitted that a small tube of their toothpaste "theoretically at least contains enough fluoride to kill a small child".
Fluoride has been linked to cot death, eczema and Alzheimer's. It has been shown, at low doses, to cause genetic damage. And it has been linked by doctors from the National Cancer Institute and the National Health Federation to cancer.
Because fluoride causes collagen, an essential structural component in skin, muscle, ligaments and bone, to disintegrate, big question-marks are being raised over its possible contribution to arthritis, a problem that has increased by 63 per cent since 1997, and which now affects 70 million Americans.

Other reports are appearing that link the accumulation of fluoride in bones to an increase in hip fractures among the elderly. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported recently that "with increasing dose of fluoride in the drinking water, the hip fracture ratio increases," a view echoed by The Lancet, The Annals of Epidemiology and other science journals.
Further studies have linked fluoride use to hyperthyroidism (underactive thyroid glands), one of the most widespread medical problems in the US, affecting more than 20 million people and leading to fatigue, weight gain, depression and heart disease. That's scarcely surprising, given that fluoride used to be prescribed by European doctors to depress thyroid activity.
Alan Johnson's principal concern is for the poorest in society. But studies as far back as the Fifties, by the American Dental Association and the Canadian National Research Council, have shown that people with poor diets are more susceptible to the health risks of long-term ingestion of fluoride.
What is extraordinary is that fluoride was ever considered for mass medication. It has always been contentious. Indeed, the first ever lawsuits against the US 's atomic bomb programme, the Manhattan Project, concerned fluoride, not radiation. What's more, the first health tests for fluoride were designed to establish how much industry could afford to release into the environment without damaging human health.
In the summer of 1943, a group of New Jersey farmers reported that something was "burning up" their peach trees, maiming their horses and cattle and killing their chickens. The source of these ills was a nearby DuPont corporation factory that was producing millions of pounds of fluoride for use in the Manhattan Project. Immediately after the war, the farmers filed suit against DuPont. At the time, the Manhattan Project's chief of fluoride toxicology studies, Professor Harold C Hodge, asked his superiors if there "would be any use in making attempts to counteract the local fear of fluoride through lectures on fluoride toxicology and perhaps the usefulness of fluoride in tooth health?"

The most widely cited study into the benefits of water fluoridation was conducted in New Zealand between 1954 and 1970, and it is used by fluoridation advocates to this day. But the study failed to meet the most basic criteria for scientific objectivity, not least because the decline in tooth decay that the community in question experienced was also seen in other non-fluoridated communities in the region. The then Mayor of Auckland, Sir Dove-Myer Robinson, described the so-called Hastings Experiment as a "swindle".
At best, the jury is out. Perhaps there are reams of recent studies that lay these fears to rest. If so, Johnson needs to share them with us. Mass medication is a big deal, and there should be proper debate before it is applied. Is fluoride safe? Does it even work? More importantly, is it right for a government to impose a controversial medicine on the entire population to deal with a non-life-threatening complaint?
When the Government first mooted this idea, Hazel Blears and Elliot Morley, who were then ministers at the Health and Environment departments respectively, suggested with breathtaking arrogance that "those who remain adamantly opposed would be able to use water filters that remove fluoride or buy bottled drinking water". Alan Johnson, the current Health Secretary, needs to demonstrate a far greater respect for British people than that.
Zac Goldsmith is the Conservative Party parliamentary candidate for Richmond Park
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