Saturday 23 October 2010

Why not ?...

OK, So.. went quiet again for a bit there didn't I. Well lets put it this way, had a whole shit heap of stuff to sort out. Mainly re-calibrating my multi-dimensional self. The collective and I got together and explored the recesses of inner and outer space with the aid of Colombian Cubensis.I met with Tribal elders from each corner of the indigenous world, Voodoo tribes and Mayan Sun priests. My totem animals clawing their way up the Totem of my fate and calling, oh did i mention the celestial beings enveloped in the quantum soup pulling me ever closes to the ultimate secret. LOVE LOVE LOVE

As i toiled ever closer to Dantes outer ring of hell with Lorn and The Gaslamp Killer as my personal Pied Piper, it became painfully clear. Fear of the nothing is no Fear at all.

Amazing how (MAN) tries to synthesis everything God put on this planet just so he can put a price tag on it. When its already RIGHT FUCKING HERE.

So anyway, enjoy Lorns mix, and if you can quite quantify where our minds went under such a heady dose of quantum truth, you'll understand what a marathon or should i say, a labor of Love, it really was.


Friday 22 October 2010

Thursday 7 October 2010