So you know the whole 2000 an Yen thing.. yeah, its been a good year. Im three quarters through the tour with Newcastle, Brighton and Hampstead still to go. It's been so well received ( 4* across the board ) that we're now in talks over the international tour (Tokyo baby !!!).
Its taken every piece of me to get onstage every night to tell this toxic unstageable story. Its broken my body, blown out both knees, shoulders and lower back, leaving me walking like an 80 yr old... and i wouldn't change it for the world. Standing shoulder to shoulder with so many special actors, broken an bruised we scream out into the night like lost boys.

The play is Oscar Wildes Salome produced by Headlong and directed by Jamie Lloyd. Every element is at the forefront of its game, leaving us free to explore every element of our darker psyche to ensure the story is set, emotionally,physically and creatively in a world suitable to that of its biblical roots.

Here's a few reviews to give you a better feel for this experience..
If your free, come down to the theatre and see what it all about.
Blood, sweat & tears, couldnt be more proud of you. A true warrior!