Sunday, 29 August 2010

Skull Fucking Pendulums Head..

" Remain calm i'm coming to your house to kill you "

In a world of banality and mediocrity, a world where the human spirit has forgotten how to rise up to the challenges set in place by a corrupt system of things, a world where everything we consume from the food stuffs owned by Monsanto and the media that pumps our lives full of fear and servitude. There stands one band that has, for the last two decades stood at the front line, arm in arm with their brothers and sisters brave enough to fight the power " and cut all police men into pieces ". This band is:

Ive been following them since 1996 and had the pleasure to see them with their original setup up of Hanis Elias, Nic Endo, Alec Empire and of course the now diseased but phenomenal Carl Crack in 98. It was at the Cambridge Junction and i was 16 years old.. to be honest it changed my life.

Never have i found such an energy to plug into, a whole world of confusion spawned from the decay i saw about me was blown to pieces as i watched the 4 of them throw themselves about the stage inciting the need for Revolution through Riot. The venue was crushed under the weight of their conviction, and i joined in. If the revolution was televised this would be the frequency it would vibrate at:

After the death of Carl Crack the band called it a day, to recoup and find the rally point, Hanis moved on to quieter things and Nic and Alec continued to produce Riot beats but solo. Ten years later we find ourselves at the most crucial point as a race, the melting pot is here and the decisions are clear, Love or Fear..

At least ATR have returned to help us kick start our sleeping over weight asses back into action



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