Two letters on everyone's tongue, the destruction wrought by oil companies the world over has cost this planet life in all respects of the word. Human cost, environmental cost, ecological cost and all for the love of convenience and creature comfort. We lost our way along time ago concerning fossil fuels but this one just wont go away over night.
BP has brought about the greatest Ecological an environmental disaster America has ever seen an we're just at the start. The cover up efforts and lack of any real leadership from the the American government may see the gulf of Mexico scarred beyond all recognition. The fall out of the chemicals used to tackle the oil well disaster are slowly but surely working their way into the human food chain, its destroying the hatcheries of almost all the local and migrating wildlife in the surrounding area. Bringing about the end of millions of peoples lively hood, but worst of all possibly their lives.
Yes they've "capped" the leak but Oil, but the danger of the spill flowing freely once again remains. BP plans to take another stab at plugging the well permanently next week with the so-called "static kill" procedure--sending heavy mud down into the capped well--followed by a "permanent kill," which will hopefully seal the Macondo well permanently with mud, cement, and other substances deposited into a relief well. But not everyone is convinced that the static kill procedure will work. And if it fails, it could have disastrous consequences.
One oil industry veteran engineer describes an underwater blowout (UGBO) as quite plausible, with the well being capped plus the static kill adding pressure from the top. That is, capping the well might not be such good news. The more they try to restrict the oil gush, the more pressure could be built up within the wellbore (like a soda can). The increasing pressure could eventually push the leak below leading to a UGBO.
If there is an UGBO, it could potentially cause the seafloor to shift. And that could trigger even more oil to shoot to the ocean's surface, possibly followed by a massive eruption of hot mud (an UGBO in Indonesia has reportedly created a mudflow so big that it is visible from space).
Now that's the oil, now for the dispersant..
BP have set about breaking up the oil through the use of dispersant, now the particular dispersant used are the most toxic an ineffective dispersant on crude oil spills, the combination of the oil and these chemicals has created a deadly combination, all right on the cusp of storm season. Soon this combination will not only be in the food chain but in the very air the local population breathe. The health side effects will undoubtedly include death.
This is an ongoing situation and it will be for many years to come, i know it seems im always banging on about this stuff, but jesus man, this is it.. this is the start of the end. If we dont come together and unite against the $$$ sign on every fucking thing on the planet soon, we wont have a planet left.
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