Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Bodies of Work knocked together this little number for the baying fans to maul over for awhile. We're all waiting with baited breathe for the release of the album, ive heard a few snippets now and the production is sexy as fuck. Pop hasnt sounded this good in like, well forever.
Check out there websites for more info on live gigs.
Oh an by the by, this is pretty much my favorite band..seriously.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Contra Mundum..

Pittsburgh G20
Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Riot police in Robocop Armour
But like headless chickens to the slaughter we charge in and in dismay we stagger in circles with no direction or purpose but to shed our feathers, cause a scene and all fall down.
So yes i wasn't there but ive held the line at plenty of clashes and direct action initiatives in the past, now these moments of unification and solidarity seem to be but fleeting visions of a nostalgic past. For example where is the passion and real drive for change that fueled the civil rights movement and the anti Vietnam protests, these wonderful moments in time when real change was established through the solidarity of unified minds set on a pin point direction for social reform and progression, not in a mean capitalist sense or even for economic supremacy but as a community of people living within their means, and (easy now) living within a barter and internal trade society.
But these are but rose tinted glasses of yester year where everything in retrospect is 20/20, the demonstrations at this years G20 in Pittsburgh just proved that the politicians are speaking one language and the protesters another, infact im not even sure the protesters knew why they were there, they had their own grievances and it seemed like a good stage to preach upon about today's growing black list of Local and Global issue.
But with this new commander and chief addressing real issues had this to say
"Ironically, if they had paid attention, they would have heard a strong recognition that it is important to make sure that the market is working for ordinary people… If they are actually interested, they should read the communique,"
Is it time for the direct action posse to sit down and listen, give them a chance to actually show us what the fuck is going on behind those steel walls.
Im interested..
So here we have the results so far:
In April, headlines trumpeted a $1.1 trillion deal to help countries fight the economic crisis. Much of this funding was to be directed toward the International Monetary Fund.
* The G20 has succeeded in increasing the IMF's lending capacity by $500bn to $750bn. The target was only met earlier this month after the EU increased its initial pledge of about $100bn to $178bn. Only a tiny fraction of this ($2.3bn) has so far been allocated
* The IMF has allocated an additional $250bn worth of reserves to member countries that can be tapped when needed. Around $100bn has been allocated to developing countries
* The IMF has also approved its first major sale of gold since 2000 to raise money for additional financing for poor countries. The sale of 403 metric tonnes of gold should raise $13bn - more than the $6bn asked for by the G20
* The G20 also pledged to help boost trade by providing $250bn worth of financing, with $50bn expected to come from the World Bank. The G20 says that $65bn has been taken up so far. For its part, the World Bank has only received commitments of $7.8bn from donors
* The G20 said it would support an increase in lending to poor countries of at least $100bn through multilateral development banks (MDBs). The G20 says MDBs are planning to lend an extra $110bn this year but concrete figures are hard to come by and it's not clear if this is from fresh or existing funding.
Not a particularly flying start i must say, oh and by the way on a completely separate note

More information to come
Friday, 25 September 2009
The mandrakes scream..

Heard this band alittle while ago and i was completely blown away, its been awhile since ive heard something that made me really wanna throw myself down some stairs board in toe. Skate punk hardcore fucking awesomeness is what i can only define them as and i truly recommend the messier of you rawkers to check them out.
Four nails, Four corners
Four riders and Four horses
Mamas little miracles..
The all American sugar diet
You can see why their a nation of winners
or at least
why they breed serial killers
drunk on swine flu

Read in the paper today:
Prisoner 'drunk on swine flu gel'
A Dorset prison has removed anti-bacterial hand gel pumps, which contain alcohol, after an inmate reportedly got drunk on them.The gel was made available on Monday at HMP The Verne in Portland to help combat the spread of swine flu. Though i must say this is next level commitment to the worship of Dionysus, maybe way and beyond the call of duty. Jesus that stuff must taste like straight up backwater moonshine blended with bleach.
The Friday nights must just fly by.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Greeting Kalibos..

Spirit gatherings can be dangerous things, the coming together of like minded beings drawn together from all corners of the globe at one precise moment in time can result in explosive effervescent bondings of mind body and soul.
The collective mind can speak to a million souls without uttering a word, the synchronisty of people around a bonfire can reaffirm our own humainty, as a tribal primal thing. A consciousness we so readily cast aside in this modern ammentiy driven rat race, a rat race i was beginning to believe that would soon become my fate if drastic measures weren't taken to avert soul titanic.

The valleys and forests of the Lord and Lady Somerset would be stage upon which this gathering would take place, donning the robe of the Wi'chootoo, White Hawk myself and the wand Little Cage of Theydon Bois took a 5 hour train ride through the rolling countryside of south to south west England, we arrived at the quaint town of Totnes and took a short ride in a cab to the lands of Lord Seymour, past his forefathers castle Berry Pomperoy, which just happened to be one of the most haunted castles in Britain. (lots of crazy latent energy i can assure you).
The festival itself was sweet,small,comfortable and not trying too hard to be something it wasnt.
But this isnt a blog about a festival or infact about anything else but the meeting of Kalibos.

Kalibos one of the many deities of the fire became evident to us over the next 3 days. The coming together of humans around a campfire/bonfire goes back to our earliest point as a species. The capturing of fire was the turning point of our cultural and social evolution. The worship of fire predates any religeon except the religeons of the sun and moon, through their unison fire was born into this world and we have danced around it in its honor forever more.
I tended this fire and kept its orange warm glow alive for three days, it was during this time that the magic happened, as i stoked the rich embers of his heart, the coming and going of so many unique souls gathering around Kalibos occured, breathing it its warmth paying homage to him in their own special way.

For the homage of wood through the valleys deep mist these soul adventurers would quest, with promises of hell hounds and highwaymen they braved the dark deep forests and together we stayed warm through the Cold September night.
Around Kalibos the conversations often lent towards Philosophy and religion whether it be a uniform faith or personal shamenism to even the beat of the drum gods and smoking weed to get hyper, everyone found a place with the person next to them to share their thoughts and feelings.
" Phenomenal thoughts of Rainbow Gatherings and the writhing bodies of intergalactic tribes to world music and instrumentation " Dragonfly turned and said.
In his eyes you could see, that he'd actually seen these things, in his eyes you could accept that seeing through time was a daily occurrence and that the fact that he was never coming back seemed to have set him at peace.

He certainly was an interesting cat, from undeniable blue blood background you could see that he had cast of a certain expected lifestyle and lived within the woods of the mind. Yet he smelt of Gucci aftershave and was constantly washing himself in sub zero temperatures, almost as if nothing else really mattered..just the personal journey through this beautiful planet of ours and living with it and our kin in the most positive way possible.
Now Wi'chootoo Kroarohawk Fire Shamans the world over will tell you this is but only one side of the story, that this life is a dynamic journey fraught with peril and compromise, its how you transcend this path that counts, the journey to achieve personal synchronicity with your surroundings is long and never ceasing.

Now as the days drew to an end and the temperature dropped, Kalibos would roar into life, mystifying with his dancing fire tendrils, creeping in and out of the fire, he drew everyone closer and closer (infact at one point so close a fellows shoes caught alight, naughty Kalibos). It was in these times that i felt the connection of the group, the transient collection of minds coming here and there, yet only myself and White Hawk sat never ceasing by his side, keeping the magisty of the fire evident for 35 hours..

It was so good to reconnect with my fellow man, ive been drifting in a soul connection sense for awhile now. Theres alot of leeches out there but what this trip taught me is to not judge those leeches because they are but what they are, if you look in the right places with the right eyes, those with shining lights will find you, they will only find you if you let your light shine forth also, so i guess you gotta bear that in mind.
Like a moth to Kalibos we are all drawn at some point, humbly does it though, because if like Icarus we think too much of ourselves,
we will fly high
we will fall.

Thursday, 17 September 2009
You have 0 seconds to comply..
The similarities of Army/Police state Nazi Germany 1935 and the co-operate or else police state 2009 USA are starterling.
Havent we come far?
Christine i can hear you breathing..
To Bee or not to Bee..

So i dont know about you, but has anyone else noticed that there just dont seem to be that many bees about here in the UK at the moment?, when was the last time you saw one?, think about it. I did abit of digging on this one and came up with some seriously worrying information. Entire colonies of bees have disappeared. They have been ingesting GMO crops across the board here and in the US, with these GM crops in their little bellies they've found it increasingly difficult to ingest these materials leaving them with cancerous growths in their thorax. I mean for fucksake, we've actually killed off bee's with our bullshit. Think about pollination, think about what bee's actually do, how many different species of plant are pollinated by the little buggers, flying from flower to flower carrying pollen.

The American reliance on bees for pollination is at minimum from 30 to 40%. Does it not seem obvious that the digestion of genetic material directly affects the digestive process of the bees? Could it also be that there are similarities in the human population's digestive process? It must also be noted that this increased epidemic of the bee colony collapse has risen significantly since the use of GMO in our foods. It is also suspect in the rise of new cases of medical ailments in humans such as colon cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc... In my opinion, the inability of the bees to go for a poo is quite similar to the present-day problems in the human digestive system?
Jesus.. we could be in over our heads on this one, we might have killed off a pretty important little bugger..
Blueberry anyone?
Not much more is sacred part deux..

Kurt is now to be a fully unlockable character in the new guitar hero. The sons of bitches thought it appropriate to characterize a man so tortured by the industry and what it ment to him that he took his own life, will now through cyber space be the marionette of thousands of grubby plinky plonky plastic guitar strumming sweating kids around the world. Not only that, but he will be forced to sing other bands songs.

Guess who signed across the likeness rights, yep you guessed it, the same muthafucker who had him killed. The sole owner of all his estate (which she has now squandered)and all unreleased studio material, the one and only Courtney "fuck your own face" Love.
The rest of the band are trying to block kurts abuse through activision but its not looking likely.
Its not shaping up to be good year for musical morale.

808's and shoot yourself in the face..
Kayne " Louis Vuitton Don " West elitest bullshit ego has finally brought bombs from above, the commander an chief the miyagi son, fly catching ninja himself Barack "CHAAAAAAANGE" Obama has off the record cut him in twain. The first black president has decreed that Kayne is a muthafucking Jackass. Do summin now Kayne, go shave some lines in your head wrap yourself in your louis vuitton blanket, drink a quart of courvoisier, take a palm full of Valium an go for a nice long swim..
Because no one fucking cares
Specially not this guy
Because he's a real don
Oh yeah and singing through tubes is so 30 years ago, its not big or clever an sucked the first time round

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Bob may prove that not much more is sacred..

This one seriously sticks in my craw. My personal favorite of all time, my hero of music, my personal champion of the ages with fist clenched in revolution and gesture, the man who Hunter S Thompson called a comrade in arms, the voice of generations of change and poetry, the man who shook up the establishment where ever his harmonica and guitar with unmistakable lyric an rhetoric would play during those early years of the civil rights movements and subsequent social reform in America.
Is to be the voice of Satnav
Bob don't make me go all Mark David Chapman on your ass.
Should all our heroes die young?, is this what happens when the creative juice runs thin and they forget who the man in the mirror is. Are the days when personal truth and moral stand point against the machine slip to the wayside and we just bend over and take the fat hungry cock of money. Black semen all up in ya.
The last 15mins of fame Bob, have some decorum god damn you your life has value.
Safe to say i will not be getting a Bob Dylan satnav
Because i cant drive
And it isnt funny
Let the Dream die..

Born to be alive..
This is actually fucking hilarious, i mean what was he thinking the whole time, do you think he either hung himself not long after its release or is he sitting pretty as the Don of Rio, pimping since pimping since pimping since PIMPING..
Well Hitler seemed to agree..ask the jews.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The swayze train has left the station..
Monday, 7 September 2009
Coup de Grace..
Friday, 4 September 2009
I kick ass for the lord..
The second coming and as you would expect, he didn't appreciate seeing a cross..
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Small is beautiful..
This one is dedicated to E.F. Schumacher and his idea of ' small is beautiful' - a call to move away from modern capitalism’s push towards, ‘bigger, better, faster’.
“Ever bigger machines, entailing ever bigger concentrations of economic power and exerting ever greater violence against the environment, do not represent progress: they are a denial of wisdom. Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology towards the organic, the gentle, the non-violent, the elegant and beautiful.”
This one was written by Morgan Sully, the Memeshift
Seriously check out what this guy has to say,
if Obama was assassinated (low and behold) i'd vote Morgan to pick up the Banner..
Plus he's a sick to the power of rad D.j
All material is off Morgans website Memeshift. click my followers there is links to all relevant sites for him.
Left hand of darkness..
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Send Killers..
You know....albums, like time capsules, span the earth in circulation immortalizing their masters, how do these lyrical musical genius's keep churning out these pearls amongst such undeserving swine ??.
" Are we human or are we dancer "
" Are we human or are we fucking dancer !!!!! "

Brandon Flowers I hate you.
You have the fucking audacity to take Hunter S Thompsons pearls of wisdom and drop it amongst your kin, the music swine, the meany spoilers.
You my dear boy are lowering the standards of mankind... Enslaving iconic animals to surround you with that much needed edge, you two dimensional FUCK.
Prowling round your wretched attempts at credible music these proud wild cougars and eagles on strings stalk your gyrating hips, all hungry for your prime indie carcass an stretched emaciated soul.
Can you feel the weight of your worth...CAN YOU !!!!
Eagle feathers fashioned like shoulder pads will do you no favours in the great halls of the ancestral earth fathers, you monkey. In fact, your apparel in spaceman alone has earned you, your family and all your forefathers, accomplishments, deeds and lives, to be struck from the books of time.
That'll learn you.
Tao Te Ching..

“When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost right conduct appears, when right conduct is lost, expedience appears. Expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth; it is the beginning of disorder.
I do not concern myself with gods and spirits either good or evil nor do I serve any for Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses. - Lao Tzu (600 BC-531 BC)
Spot the difference..
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Kill yourself - save the planet
This little gem closed the sun dance festival. Theres been quite a few articles and movements springing up all over the place, climate camps the world round. The time for action came and went a long time ago. We have rode the crest of the wave and forgiveness is but a distant echo, the planet will have its revenge, its just up to us what guise that judgment is brought in.

Strong Thunderbird Man
Check and support the cause
Marvel to be raped by Disney - No spit shine

Muthafucking Disney, actually muthafucking Marvel as well. Disney buys out Marvel for 2.5 billion. I was raised on the likes of Hulk and X-men and constantly warded off from the likes of racist disney roots. Its a sad sad day boys and girls of the geek generations. Our heroes are truely about to fall, expect to see Wolverine at your local Disney world handing out popcorn and tears to screaming possessed children.

One of Britains great unsung heroes, i love this band so fucking much yet no ones heard of them, hailing from Hove the boys have 3 albums out, Ceders being my personal favorite, seriously get involved. Check out spotify radio station and search their name, should be able to find everything.