Thursday, 17 September 2009

To Bee or not to Bee..

So i dont know about you, but has anyone else noticed that there just dont seem to be that many bees about here in the UK at the moment?, when was the last time you saw one?, think about it. I did abit of digging on this one and came up with some seriously worrying information. Entire colonies of bees have disappeared. They have been ingesting GMO crops across the board here and in the US, with these GM crops in their little bellies they've found it increasingly difficult to ingest these materials leaving them with cancerous growths in their thorax. I mean for fucksake, we've actually killed off bee's with our bullshit. Think about pollination, think about what bee's actually do, how many different species of plant are pollinated by the little buggers, flying from flower to flower carrying pollen.

The American reliance on bees for pollination is at minimum from 30 to 40%. Does it not seem obvious that the digestion of genetic material directly affects the digestive process of the bees? Could it also be that there are similarities in the human population's digestive process? It must also be noted that this increased epidemic of the bee colony collapse has risen significantly since the use of GMO in our foods. It is also suspect in the rise of new cases of medical ailments in humans such as colon cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc... In my opinion, the inability of the bees to go for a poo is quite similar to the present-day problems in the human digestive system?

Jesus.. we could be in over our heads on this one, we might have killed off a pretty important little bugger..

Blueberry anyone?


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