Pittsburgh G20
Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Riot police in Robocop Armour
But like headless chickens to the slaughter we charge in and in dismay we stagger in circles with no direction or purpose but to shed our feathers, cause a scene and all fall down.
So yes i wasn't there but ive held the line at plenty of clashes and direct action initiatives in the past, now these moments of unification and solidarity seem to be but fleeting visions of a nostalgic past. For example where is the passion and real drive for change that fueled the civil rights movement and the anti Vietnam protests, these wonderful moments in time when real change was established through the solidarity of unified minds set on a pin point direction for social reform and progression, not in a mean capitalist sense or even for economic supremacy but as a community of people living within their means, and (easy now) living within a barter and internal trade society.
But these are but rose tinted glasses of yester year where everything in retrospect is 20/20, the demonstrations at this years G20 in Pittsburgh just proved that the politicians are speaking one language and the protesters another, infact im not even sure the protesters knew why they were there, they had their own grievances and it seemed like a good stage to preach upon about today's growing black list of Local and Global issue.
But with this new commander and chief addressing real issues had this to say
"Ironically, if they had paid attention, they would have heard a strong recognition that it is important to make sure that the market is working for ordinary people… If they are actually interested, they should read the communique,"
Is it time for the direct action posse to sit down and listen, give them a chance to actually show us what the fuck is going on behind those steel walls.
Im interested..
So here we have the results so far:
In April, headlines trumpeted a $1.1 trillion deal to help countries fight the economic crisis. Much of this funding was to be directed toward the International Monetary Fund.
* The G20 has succeeded in increasing the IMF's lending capacity by $500bn to $750bn. The target was only met earlier this month after the EU increased its initial pledge of about $100bn to $178bn. Only a tiny fraction of this ($2.3bn) has so far been allocated
* The IMF has allocated an additional $250bn worth of reserves to member countries that can be tapped when needed. Around $100bn has been allocated to developing countries
* The IMF has also approved its first major sale of gold since 2000 to raise money for additional financing for poor countries. The sale of 403 metric tonnes of gold should raise $13bn - more than the $6bn asked for by the G20
* The G20 also pledged to help boost trade by providing $250bn worth of financing, with $50bn expected to come from the World Bank. The G20 says that $65bn has been taken up so far. For its part, the World Bank has only received commitments of $7.8bn from donors
* The G20 said it would support an increase in lending to poor countries of at least $100bn through multilateral development banks (MDBs). The G20 says MDBs are planning to lend an extra $110bn this year but concrete figures are hard to come by and it's not clear if this is from fresh or existing funding.
Not a particularly flying start i must say, oh and by the way on a completely separate note

More information to come
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