Has anyone else noticed that Avatar has worrying similarities to Dances with Wolves, it cost $300.000.000 to make and despite a horrific waste of money in re: global economic climate, I loved every second. Yeah i know, Indigenous life loving nomads with bows and stones fighting Mankinds's inability to curb his desire for absolute power through mass destruction and greed
right up my alley i hear you say
But its sentiment hit a real chord with me even though a similar chord was hit by Kevin Costner in the original,
(no but really, its the same story. Naughty Cameron, that's a bad boy!).

Strange how as a species, our drive to become ever closer to the machine and all the glories it promises has driven us like cattle to the big cities of promise, on mass we've lost touch with our primal selves. This ever increasing lack of control we've developed on all levels is worrying, its almost like we're slowly but surely going into a global coma. Soon we'll evolve into nothing more then reality television wage slave androids sponsored by Tesco. Unbiasedly used for market research poles, unlicensed product testing and overall general life expectancy ROI statistics for global advertising conglomerates...wait.
When was the last time you touched the earth, felt the contours of a leaf or smelt and felt the sea mist on your face on a crisp winter morning.
Get some Sun on your face.