To the Students and Citizens of Persia, the true state, i stand in heart and mind with you on the streets of Tehran. Through the bullets and gas of hate, the unbreakable spirit of freedom against the oppressors will rise triumphant. How long do they think the whitewashed mind control state will supress the spirit of such a bold people. May the words and actions of the people overthrow the doctrines of hate and suppression. They may clamp down on communication, they may halt all mobile phones/internet but the veil of archaiac hate mongering can only hold an entire nation in place for so long, and as always, the blood of the bright and the beautiful will pave the way for social reform and subsiquent overthrow of such a regressive hate machine.

Restitution the only solution the armed response of an entire nation.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad you and your facade of a goverments time of judgement is at hand and the people will be there to deal that judgement.
Revolution Action.
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