William-Adolphe Bouguereau
And you've paid it over and over my brother, my sister.. now is the time of the Letting Go, we must all find it in ourselves to let go of our transgressions and failures in this life and the past. We must learn the lessons and find their meanings, for they are all but a gift and this life but a dream, a ride if you will.
Hell to me is the act of forgetting how to stand, forgetting how to find your feet in the quicksand of the immediate. The human mind is a twisted maze of systemic emotion, relating to every part of your body, ultimately controlling your every action. Emotion based on environmental shifts in comfortability. The reality of the uncontrollable elements, elements that shape our journey on this planet.

Herrad von Landsberg
Hope Sufferance is the standard we all carry and we are all guilty of letting it slip. But there isn't and never can be a reason for us to let our Fear out weigh our love. Love for self, love for our global neighbor and Love for this gift of a life we live, Live being the operative word.
We get one chance at this
one chance to experience the grace of the soul.

Dante's rings of Hell
Inner Love
Inner Strength
Inner Peace
Honesty and Harmony
This the mantra i had tattooed to myself to remind me of the strength and focus that can an be found in Inner Fortitude. Recently i let my mind become clouded with despair subsequently forgetting my code of Honor, my Armour for the sticks and stones of misfortune.

Not that I'm here to preach my personal take on the current global emotional breakdown, but i think we are all reverberating with the same energies, we are in a sense all feeling the same weights and lifts, we need to focus and heal.
Rise up my friends
This is our life.
The Beautiful Struggle